Monday, July 13, 2009


We got to see our primary doctor today again, and we'll see him from here on out. He tends to have a calming effect on me, so I am voting for a Thursday birthday for baby if he decides to come this week, since that is when this doctor is on-call. Thursday would also have the advantage of being after the visit we are expecting from the Bells on Wednesday.

At today's appointment he answered several of my questions and did a quick check of all of the stats. Baby's heart rate was good and came in about 130bpm. My uterus is measuring 36cm, which is just right. He also did a quick check of my cervix, being careful not to disturb it too much so as not to encourage labor. He said the doctor I saw last week tends to be "generous" in her measurements, so he said he would have to see if he thought I was even to 3cm yet. Well, he said he thinks I am at 3, which he then revised to "3-plus" and he said that the cervix is thin, too, at 70-80% effaced, which implies that I have made progress towards active labor since last week. He said he'll see me in a week *if* I need that appointment. Nobody is making any guarantees, but it sure looks like I may not make it to the due date at any rate.

I never really mentioned how the visit with the pediatrician's office went... so, I'll just say that the doctor we met we liked, even though he wasn't the one we had been referred to. We learned that some of the folks from our OB group (ie. doctors and staff) bring their own children to that practice, so I also considered that a good endorsement. I think we'll stick with the office. They have a policy of trying to get kids in with their primary doctor whenever possible, and they have Saturday and Sunday hours for sick visits, which is very convenient.

So... the house is still rather a mess, largely because I keep wanting to tackle new projects. I think, though, that we're nearing the point where simply cleaning surfaces well would be the best use of our time and energy. We'll see what there is energy to do when Dan gets home this evening.

In the meantime, I think I may go make a final splurge for myself since Costco has sets of classic BBC literature adaptation movies on sale for 33% off starting today. We'll just call it something to watch at the hospital. ;)


Susan in PA said...

Aw, geez! Stephen and Elizabeth can afford to come visit all the way from CA, and I who live only 4 states north can't afford it?

Just as well. I'd be in your mother's way when the baby comes. (latent grandma hormones) :D
Thanks for putting in the request to Dan.

factoid: the code word I got was "beledi", which I think I heard was Arabic for 'belly dance'. And little kicking babies do it....:D

Anonymous said...

And how are Monte and MooMoo? Being ignored?

Nikki said...

Yes, Susan... I understand. There are many things we can't afford either these days!

Monte and MooMoo, I think, are starting to figure out that something strange is going on because of all of the stuff we're doing in the house and the things they aren't allowed to do (like jumping into the crib). They are not being ignored yet, but MooMoo about landed herself in the doghouse today because she made a pest of herself when I was desperately trying to nap after not being able to sleep last night. She usually just comes and cuddles, which actually helps me relax. Not today. Today she decided to stand on me and cry every time I fell asleep. I was not a happy momma. They are in for a rude awakening one of these days, but we figure we will give them extra loving while we can. :)

Susan in PA said...

Anne, Maria, and Rachel call the cats 'babies', and they take care of themselves... unless they see us by a door or window. Then they meow for a good petting.

I can picture you nursing Ian, and both of them not settling for being petted by a foot. :D

Susan in PA said...

No news is good news?