Monday, July 20, 2009

The continuing saga of baby J

We visited the doctor again this afternoon. Things are much as they have been - I'm still 3+ cm dilated and a full 80% effaced and he is at -2 station, which, we are told, is pretty low for not being in active labor.

After talking to the doctor more about my situation, we opted to schedule a date for an induction if I do not go into natural labor in the next 2 weeks. So, on 5:15 am on August 3, if not before, we'll be at the hospital. I'm not a fan of induction in principle, unless a baby is overdue, but the consensus is that I am likely to have a quick labor (I've been instructed multiple times not to dilly-dally getting to the hospital when labor starts), I'm a good candidate for successful induction, and we decided together that there may be some definite advantages for the baby if we induce, because that would mean we can have a better shot at having enough time to get sufficient penicillin in my system to lessen his strep risks before he is born than we might otherwise have with natural labor. So, it's really not about being impatient for him to get here -- although my increasing aches and pains make an earlier than later birth date sound rather nice -- it was a matter of increased safety in delivery if he has not come on his own.

Baby is, as it were, poised at the starting blocks and waiting for the signal to run. As for the grown-ups, we are circling the airport for now, waiting to be cleared for landing. We'll see whether he sprints before the tower gives us the call.


Angie said...

I can't wait to see it, but want the best delivery for him :).

Angie said...

That should say I can't wait to see him, not it. Wow.

Nicoolmama said...

Hi Nikki-
I found your blog through your sister's blog who is friends with Adriana. Whew- that was a long explanation. Anyway I am pregnant with a baby boy too-38 weeks yesterday. He is my 3rd boy. I am so so insanely jealous that you are dilated but am also praying that your baby boy hangs on until he is full term. I love reading your blog and wish you all the best for your delivery!!!!

Susan in PA said...

I wouldn't mind sharing my birthday, August 6, with Ian. But it looks like he doesn't want to wait that long. SO HANG IN THERE KID!!! :D

Anonymous said...

All so exciting. We are anxious to meet him.

Nikki said...

I am sure he knows what you meant. lol

Hi there, and congratulations on your new little one. I understand that the dilation I've managed is a blessing, even if it does make me feel like I could pop at any moment, which is a little unnerving! Thanks for the prayers; he's full-term enough for our doctor to not worry, so now it is just a matter of seeing how close to the induction date we come. I pray you also have a healthy, happy little guy in your arms at just the right time!

Well, if he lasts until your birthday, something will have happened to thwart our best-laid plans. He seems to be hanging in there quite well. :)

I would have to agree. :)

Susan in PA said...

Hey, the doc was going to schedule a c-section because my firstborn was both overdue and breech. The night before I had an appointment for the dreaded scheduling my water broke. At least Tom chose his own birthday.

(For anyone else reading this... Tom was an occasional guest of Dan and Nikki in CA. Nikki is probably bemused by this back-end view of their musical friend.)