Monday, July 6, 2009

Moving right along!

News today is that I am 3cm dilated, 50-60% effaced and baby is head down and at -2 station. The doctor believes I could have the baby as soon as this week or next, although we'd all prefer that he holds on until 37 weeks. In any event, she says she doubts I will make it to the due date. I'm also, apparently, the sort of patient who "doesn't need to wait for 2 full hours of contractions" before getting myself to the hospital, because things are "favorable" for a labor that progresses quickly, so after one hour of 5-7 minute contractions, I should call the office and get myself to the hospital with my bag.

Daniel and I were both rather surprised by the news, to say the least. He wasn't expecting any dilation, and I was, more generously, prepared for maybe 1cm. We've been rather giddy since we left the office.

The house is a disaster because of some of the nesting I have been wanting to do, and the sense of urgency we felt last week is growing exponentially. I'm hoping that we are able to get the place cleaned up before I go to the hospital.

Baby is 35 weeks 1 day today, so he would be premature if he came this week. The doctor said there would be about a 20-30% chance that he would require a NICU stay of 1-2 weeks if he is born this week, so we'd prefer that he waits about 2 weeks.

Your prayers are appreciated!


Susan in PA said...

EEYOW! Wonder if Ian is getting pumped full of blood glucose that doesn't get used by you. It makes babies bulk up like miniature Schwartzeneggers. (Reference: Thomas, Anne, Maria, Rachel...) So he thinks he's ready to go?

For all that size, the baby's lungs still have to be mature. So Hang In There, kid.

I should add, my little Hulks held out for 4-12 days past their due dates, and were in 'danger' of having an inducement coming after them. We will pray for arrival in God's good time.

Nikki said...

The doctors haven't been worried about Ian taking on too much weight at all because my glucose levels have been really good - I have more stringent targets than a type-2 diabetic is likely to have, and I met them almost perfectly last week - including bringing down the fasting levels. I've also very consistently measured within the normal range, so... he's probably not much bigger than the average kid his gestational age. Whether or not his lungs are mature is another matter. Clearly, I'd prefer that he didn't need interventions...

There's really no telling when he'll decide it is time, so we're just going to take the days as they come.

Susan in PA said...

Got the EKG and the blood tests done today for the surgery tomorrow. Whether the results make it to Paoli (20mi) before I do is another story.

I've survived enough surgery that it doesn't scare me any more... this little girl goes to sleep in God's arms, and at His pleasure I wake up again.

Anonymous said...

Hang on, baby, be patient. We want you to go home a couple days after birth!

Susan in PA said...

Ian hang in there.
Got that screw out this morning. it was (insert one of my dad's profanities here) THREE INCHES long!!! No wonder it hurt!