Monday, June 15, 2009


No diabetic meds for me!

My gestational diabetes seems to have responded well enough to diet and exercise, so as long as I can keep the numbers under control, it looks like I am an "uncomplicated" case for the present. I am sooooo relieved. I suppose that if this changes in the next few weeks, I will figure out how to deal with it, but it is great to have my work trying to control it pay off this way!

My uterus is measuring about 1 cm large still, and my weight is a little less than it was last visit (2 pounds, I believe), but not so much that they remarked on it. Baby's heartrate was good, and in the 130s, so I actually don't have to go to another doctor's appointment for 2 whole weeks, provided nothing interesting happens in the meantime.



Susan in PA said...

Your title says it ALL.

Anonymous said...

Excellent news!

Susan in PA said...

How's the diet and baby doing?

Unknown said...

Wow! What a beautiful news!! Congratulations. I'm a mum of a little boy called Marlow and I really enjoy reading other mummy stories online. If you still fancy searching baby names is a great place to search as you can look by origin and meaning! I just had my first baby, a little boy called Marlow. Love the blog - I really hope things go well for you hun and I'm looking forward to your birth story xxxx