Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hustle, bustle...

During my time in Junior High, I was in several musical productions at school. There are two song snippets that come to mind at times like these from those rather silly musicals:
"Hustle, bustle, hustle, bustle, got so much to do... Hustle, bustle, hustle, bustle, will I ever get through...?"
"Hurry, scurry, bother and worry..."
They are different songs from different years, but they both have the same emotional intensity and message -- sometimes we just plain get too busy and find little time to slow down!

We've been really busy lately between events, including a baby shower thrown by people from church, a job interview for me, a wisdom teeth extraction for Dan that slowed him down a bit for a few days, volunteering, and a visit from Dan's mom all in the last 7 days. We have new house guests arriving tomorrow and spending the weekend, so it may be a while before I properly update, but I did think that it was appropriate to say that we're hanging in here.

On the health front, my gestational diabetes seems to be fairly well controlled, with the one exception that I am having some trouble consistently with my fasting levels in the mornings. The values I am getting are just borderline high - still low enough that they won't warrant treatment with medication, but high enough that I miss my target, which makes me want to solve the problem if it has a solution.

I check my blood pressure in the morning and again at night and have been a bit surprised to watch it actually get lower as pregnancy progresses. I have gone from marginally high to perfectly normal (anytime I am not at the doctor's office) over the last several weeks. I also do kick counts before bed, but that's getting harder to do since I so easily mistake kicks for sheep and start to doze. I suppose it doesn't help that my instructions are to lie comfortably in a dark, quiet room... Anyway, nights like last night baby has pity on me and it only takes 2-5 minutes for him to give me 10 kicks. Some nights the process can take about 20 minutes, in which case I have usually caught myself dozing off at least 5 times before we are done, which makes me wonder just how accurate the timing is, since kicks don't wake me - no way, no how!

The nice thing about this phase of pregnancy is that I seem to have no trouble falling asleep at bedtime... and I have started waking up pretty consistently early in the morning when I need to get started on my testing and eating. For a while I was avoiding naps, but I don't think I can anymore. I just make sure I am also walking once or more daily when I am awake to compensate for my naps! The trick is to just make sure I never walk more than about 50 feet from a restroom, since Mr. Wiggles in my tummy has decided to occupy the space that used to house my bladder. So, I exaggerate, but not by much!

It's amazing to think that in less than a month this little guy will be considered full-term, and that it's only 45 days until he's due. We still have plenty to do to prepare for him, but I'm looking forward to finishing up the last-minute details.

I have a few shower pictures that I eventually plan to post, and I have more to say on several subjects, but at the moment I want to go walk while the temps are still in the 70's! So, pardon my hustle as I waddle off...


Grumpy Old Man said...

Sleep now. It will be a long time after the baby comes before you do again.

Anonymous said...

This is filled with good news. Glad to hear you and Ian are doing well. Sorry about he wisdom teeth thing for Dan. That is never fun.

Oh, the FedEx package arrived in Charlotte today at 3:31 pm. Maybe tomorrow...

Susan in PA said...

Count your blessings. Maria and Rachel had their wisdom teeth extracted one week apart. :)

A little prayer..I am scheduled to have one of the screws in my bum knee hardware removed July 8. It sticks out right under the kneecap. The goal is to lessen arthritic pain in that knee.

Morning glucose levels are always a pain. I found that I had to stop eating for the day by 9:30 pm in order to get fasting levels below 100. (And in this house someone always brings out food around 10.) I'm not sure I would advise the same for a growing baby - Maybe by 10:30? :) Seriously, ask your doc.