Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Quick update - Gestational Diabetes

I had another doctor's appointment today, and the upshot is that the doctor says he can't yet decide if I am "complicated or uncomplicated." [The answer seems pretty clear to me... ;)] But
seriously, what that means is that he doesn't think that my blood glucose values over the last week warrant treatment with medication yet, but we are going to revisit the numbers next week to see if I have been able to consistently keep the mostly normal numbers coming. Uncomplicated would mean no medication and "normal" care; complicated would mean medication plus non-stress tests for baby twice per week.

I've had a couple of really good days this week and a couple of days when I didn't meet the targets, but none of my numbers have been ridiculously high. This week has been better than last week, so the trend is towards good control through strict diet and exercise (I'm walking about 1.5 miles or 25-30 minutes per day, sometimes twice per day). I've had "normal" values about 75% of the time this week, and no huge spikes, which should be okay if I can manage to keep the trend going or even improve upon it.

I have also gained about 3 pounds since last Monday, which is good, since, at the very least, I needed to quit losing weight. Baby's heart rate is good at 140 and my uterus is measuring about 1 week larger than expected, as opposed to 1.5 weeks larger last week, which indicates that he's probably growing at a more appropriate rate.

I had a couple of additional blood tests while I was there (HbA1c and fructosamine) that should give us a better idea of what my glucose levels have been over time. It won't change anything about my treatment now, but it may help point to whether I actually developed the condition earlier than it was detected, for what that knowledge is worth. This was spurred by my recollection that I had complained of some GD symptoms about 2 months ago. They were brushed off by one of the other doctors because I didn't have sugar spillage at that visit. Even if I did have it back then, the lack of diagnosis probably hasn't caused any real harm, but it would let me know if my concern back then was justified, which would give me more faith in my own judgment. So... we shall see how this week goes!


Susan in PA said...

One day at a time.........
a.k.a. Give us this day our daily bread.

Nikki said...

Yes, although I am discovering that bread does me in. I'll amend it to say "give us this day our daily pasta." :D