Monday, May 4, 2009

A New Gig

Just quickly, for those of you wondering if my job search has yielded anything other than a bunch of resume-wielding emails lost to cyberspace, I did have one very part-time opportunity come up that should give both Daniel and me a chance to do a little bit of contracting over time. There's a businessman in Winston-Salem who has need of writing, editing and web programming with a marketing emphasis, and I happened upon his ad in Craigslist and had a meeting with him last week. I think the meeting went well, considering that he gave me a thumb-drive full of files to edit when I got home. We'll see how it pans out, but it seems promising. It's super flexible, very part-time, can be done from home and has growth potential in the long-term if the business continues to grow, so it looks like the sort of thing I can continue to do even after the baby arrives if it works out well. A little pick-up work sounds nice to me.

In the meantime, I'm still littering cyberspace with resumes and cover letters. We'll see if anything comes up, but my assumption is that only the absolute right job for me is going to hire me after seeing me at this point, since my belly screams the focus of my plans in the near future, and the market is saturated with applicants. It's nice to know that God has provided for us anyway. If I reach the end of this search without a job, I will consider that a sign that my desire to stay home with my baby has been blessed... especially if the bills still manage to get paid somehow.


Anonymous said...

The position sounds good. I appreciate this update.

Love you!

Susan in PA said...

Some work at home? I'm jealous.

Susan in PA said...

That new gig must be keeping you busy.