Friday, July 18, 2008

Sunday afternoon we went to a Red Wings game...

OK, so it was the Rochester Red Wings versus the Durham Bulls, playing fine AAA Baseball. This was my first baseball game ever; Nikki couldn't believe it, because she grew up attending Angels and Dodgers games. We didn't get a seat under the roof, but the sun wasn't too bad (it was mostly to our backs). This is a smallish ballpark, so really the only bad seats were the ones in the outfield, facing the sun. We started out with bratwursts, and I had a couple Yuenglings. Later, sometime before the seventh inning stretch, I went and bought some more low-nutrition snacks, including, for Nikki's pleasure, some peanuts and crackerjacks. The Bulls wound up winning the game, 3-9.

Lest I should forget, we attended the game on the birthday of Wool E Bull, the team mascot. I'm not sure how one calculates the date of birth of a stuffed costume, but Wool E's mascot pals came to celebrate: Mr. & Mrs. Wolf from NC State, the UNC ram, the Duke Blue Devil, the mascot of the Burlington Royals from the rookie league, the mascot of some speedway in the Burlington area, etc. etc., and... Stormy, the Hurricanes mascot! These mascots competed in events such as running the bases, a tug-of-war, sumo wrestling (Wool E vs. Stormy)... somehow, Wool E always managed to win.


Nikki said...

Thanks eversomuch for posting, my love. It was fun to share that first with you. :)

Angie said...

I sent Nikki a picture message of a hockey game and she sent me a picture message of this baseball game. :)

Baseball games are great, and I do find it shocking that it was your first! I do believe that if you had ever mentioned that you had never been to a game anywhere in the vicinity of your father-in-law whilst living in California, he would have made arrangements to rectify that quickly.

Minor league games are a bit of a novelty for me. We have the AA Mets team here and I have been to one game in the three years I've lived out here. They are nice, though, because the stadiums are smaller and more intimate. I'd like to go again, and maybe not on opening day this time, since it was still rather chilly and I was so cold I wanted to go home instead of staying for the fireworks!

Anonymous said...

Bratwurst and winning Bulls. Good combination. The papa approves.

Jon, Erin, Talia, and Elliana said...

Congratulations on your first baseball game! We're glad you enjoyed it. No doubt you brought the home team good luck :).

Susan in PA said...

Didn't know they sold Pennsylvania beer down there. (Mea culpa - I just googled and found they brew in Tampa too.) As for the Pottsville brewery, they're reasonably near St. Tikhon's Monastery and Seminary. Come visit when you can.

Speaking of St. Tikhon's, someone passed around their yearbook at church and both of us noticed Michael Habib, Bishop JOSEPH's driver, is now a seminarian. Looks like half the students are Antiochian!

Susan in PA said...

Thought I'd put the prayer request separate from the fun facts. My sister Grace had to be defibrillated this past week and spent time in the ICU. She faces surgery on Tuesday for an implanted defibrillator (shock on demand). She's been hospitalized since May. Her voice did sound the best I'd heard in the last 3 weeks.

She may be as big as a linebacker, but she's still 2 yrs.younger than me. Aack! (50 Jesus prayers)