Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Christmas Concert at Duke

An entry or two ago I was in raptures about the joys of singing, especially with the Choral Society of Durham. Well, this morning I received in my inbox a link to a review of the concert that provoked that reflection. Published on Classical Voice of North Carolina, a site that follows the performing arts state-wide, the review is titled Still the Preferred Christmas Concert, and is amazingly positive. I now, most assuredly, feel even more honored and humbled to be a part of something so wonderful.

P.S. I should be able to get a recording of this concert sometime after the new year... my only sadness is that our most faithful audience members are so far away, but I will do what I can to share.


Anonymous said...

We look forward to whatever and whenever you share. Have fun performing this.

Catherine, detached said...

Ah, this sounds like the kind of Christmas concert that you've wished for in previous years, but didn't get to do. (Great setting for it, too.) I would like to hear a recording.

Angie said...

Very nice! I'd love a recording :)

Nikki said...

Well... this was the sort of concert Dan and I had longed for, only it was even better attended, better reviewed and more beautifully situated than we would have thought to ask for. I am anxious to hear the recording myself. I'll find some way to share. :D