Monday, September 24, 2007


I have decided to unclutter this blog... some.

I set out trying to make this more current-events-in-the-lives-of-Nikki-and-Daniel than random-thoughts-from-the-mind-of-Nikki, but as I sit down to write, I often find that the other part of me -- the part that is determined to just keep writing -- takes over. It's very hard for me to compartmentalize the stuff of our lives well enough to decide what is newsy/current/relevant enough to deserve a post on this page. But, I am going to endeavor to do it because I think I will find it freeing (I tend to not write a lot of things I want to write here because I don't think they fit) and several of you will find it less tedious to plow through some of my more abstract posts!

I have created yet another blog for the irrepressible writer in me, and I will try to bring this one back into focus a little bit. The new blog is my space for writing whatever I want as frequently as I wish, and this one will be reserved semi-regular posts about things that arguably connect to our lives here a bit more tangibly, for those who prefer Dan and Nikki in more measured doses.

So, if you happen to be someone who, for whatever reason, enjoys reading what I write regardless of topic and relevance, I invite you to visit my otherwise good blog. If not, you'll still find bits from our lives here in this space... and knowing me, this space will still be rather eclectic!

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