Saturday, November 8, 2008

Where We've Been (There's No Place Like Home)

I have been MIA for a while, but that mostly has to do with the move we just completed. We moved into the house we'd already been living in. Sounds strange, perhaps. We had intended to move elsewhere, but when we gave notice here at the temporary furnished housing, our landlord made us an offer within 5 minutes that we, well, couldn't refuse - a very significant reduction of our rent, and the opportunity to move our own things in. So, last weekend, he moved his things out, and we moved ours in. Many many thanks are due our friend Erik, who came and helped for the weekend, allowing us to be completely unpacked and settled by the end of one week!

The majority of my time has been spent packing up the landlord's things and unpacking ours. When not doing that, I have been couponing (got to love $220-worth of groceries for $118, though I am determined to do even better), job hunting, budgeting, changing our address and doing a variety of other home-related tasks, including things I haven't done in ages, like ironing shirts for Dan, cooking dinner every day and baking sweet goodies for him to take to work. All in all, I have been more busy than I was when I was working full-time. It's been a good busy, though, and I feel the healthiest and most content I have in a long time, in part, I am sure, because I seem to run up and down the stairs in here a few dozen times a day! I am a domestic goddess, until I am called upon to do something else... and dare I confess that I kind of enjoy it?

We still have some kinks to work out when it comes to sorting out life as it will be now, but I'm feeling much more settled and happy than I was for a long time. In the good news department, MooMoo recovered well after having almost all of her teeth pulled (she now has only one fang, poor dear), Daniel was hired permanently at his new job with a possibility for a review and raise in three months, and we think we can scrape by with things as they are if need be. More money would definitely be handy, though, so perhaps those of you inclined towards prayer can pray that we find another source - work for me, a raise for him or whatever is needed.

Here's a slide show of our new digs - it's a 2 bed 2.5 bath townhouse, for those of you who haven't seen it. It's complete with such budget-conscious items as $1 garage sale curtains and a tablecloth re-purposed as a "headboard"! (As an aside, We decided that the initial investment would be worthwhile in both energy savings and eco-friendliness, so we've put energy-efficient bulbs in all but about 4 or 5 fixtures and lamps in the house.) While it would be lovely to be able to replace some things (my desk, for example, is a $20 folding table from Walgreens) and there are plenty of things on my "someday..." wish list, I have been pleased with the way things have turned out, and what I didn't have to spend to do it!

Finally, what post would be complete without plenty of cats? Here are assorted kitty pictures taken this morning... Monte LOVES the roses Dan bought for me, as you can see. I don't have the heart to tell Monte that they weren't for him.
I'm going to try to backtrack a bit here in the next few posts, because there is plenty I haven't written about, including visits from loved ones and other of our recent activities. Stay tuned, as I hope to get going on the blog again now that we have a comfortable place to live and a semblance of order and serenity in our lives.


Susan in PA said...

Glad to see Dan's job took root.

I hadn't bothered with talking about the litter of stray cat kittens the girls decided to feed (and are all but adopted, because GrumpDad doesn't want to let them in the house) because it coincided with your prior cat travails at your old house. There are 4 no-longer-quite kittens, 5-6 months old. Three jet-black boys, and one black and white female similar to your MooMoo. Rachel gave them all video game character names, e.g. our female is Haruhi, from a person who can transform into a black and white cow.

Having said that, it's awful that MooMoo lost her teeth. Do you wet the kibble, or feed soft canned stuff exclusively?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the post and the pictures! Seems the kitties are at home in every room.

Anonymous said...

I should add - it looks very nice. I recognize the furnishings and the rooms. Nice to see them combined.

I understand enjoying being a homemaker. It is fun and satisfying to make a home and take care of the ones who live there with you.

Nikki said...


How nice to hear about your kitties. In response to your question, apparently cats rip off pieces of their food in the wild, but they don't chew much if at all. That's why you get undigested bits of things in kitty vomit sometimes. We just have to make sure that MooMoo's kibble is small enough for her petite body, so we chose a grain-free kibble that has nice small chunks. She seems to be doing fine.

The cats are indeed at home in every nook and cranny. The place already looks a bit different now, though. The introduction of the chest freezer meant that half a dozen other things had to move. We also added another air purifier to the house - this one is downstairs behind the chaise. That meant the lamp had to move. Still, you get the idea. :)

L.L. Barkat said...

Looks so comfortable and bright. And the cat... beautiful!

Unknown said...

I love how you've decorated your house. Our humble abode is so plain jane compared to yours. And, we've been here 6 months! Anyway, I'm glad you've settled in.