Saturday, January 26, 2008

Still here

We're still here, and we're okay. I'm just a bit, well, still on the sharing front. I intend to update the blog in a more satisfying way in a few days, so I appreciate your patience with this presently reluctant blogger. I've heard from a few people that an update would be appreciated, so know I take that seriously... I just may prolong the wait a few more days!


Susan in PA said...

I'd just looked at Fourtran. Jennifer is right....My 104 (and still counting!) great-great aunt lost her son at age 22 in a train-car collision in the fog (ca.1940 I think). It is his daughter, 10 years older than I, who cares for her in her home now. In fact, she's outlived all her children and (I think) stepchildren.

My mother was overjoyed that I set up a 3-way call yesterday so she could talk to this aunt (only one 'great' for her.)

It just seems more outrageous to us that a baby should be in mortal danger. It reminds us more of our own dependence on God (and ticks off the Adversary more when we recognize this, so he attacks.)

Go Justin.

PS A 'Hi mom' is ok occasionally when you're busy, we appreciate your quality writing, so. And I'm still looking for "Memory Eternal" in Greek....Greek lyrics too.

L.L. Barkat said...

Sometimes these things have ebbs and flows. Indeed, paying attention to the need for ebbs probably helps the eventual flow.

I notice you're reading Kristin Lavransdatter. Isn't it lovely? Reading it actually changed the way I write.

Angie said...

Glad to know you're still alive. If it weren't for blogs and instant messaging I might just have to wonder about that. ;)

I look forward to more updates :D

Anonymous said...

We will be delighted to hear from you!!

Nikki said...

Hi all :). Nice of you to drop in.

Just quickly, I want to comment to L.L. about Kristin Lavransdatter. Yes, it really is lovely. I didn't read the edition that is pictured, however. I read the older (lesser, by most accounts) translation. I will probably end up blogging about both that and Life of Pi and I will probably borrow or buy the more modern translation of Kristin. Of all of the lovely things I have read lately, those two are real standouts, though for very different reasons. :)

Angie said...

Oh, so apparently Wicked is playing in LA when I'm out there...

Nikki said...

Ooooh, Angie. I would like to see it. Hmm.